Ventas: +52 (55) 1328 4035
Soporte: +52 (55) 5022 0404
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We have the most advanced tools for fraud prevention

We inform you of our information security policy:

At Openpay we take care of the information security of all our clients and collaborators; For this reason, we continuously review and improve our Information Security Management System to reduce risk levels and meet the established Information Security objectives.

Openpay determined the following objectives for the SGI:

  1. Protect customer information.
  2. Establish prevention measures to maintain the continuity of services and business processes.
  3. Manage information security incidents.
  4. Develop, disseminate and monitor the Information Security policies and procedures.
  5. Manage cloud service incidents.
  6. Ensure availability of cloud service applications.

Openpay protects you against possible fraud by analyzing all transactions in real time with the sophisticated anti-fraud system.

Why it is safe to use Openpay.

All the information that is transmitted between your servers and the Openpay servers, travel in an encrypted way.

We have PROSA certification for card management and PCI certification DSS1 for the protection of information.

Restrictions on card charges.

In order to offer greater security Openpay restricts maximum amounts per transaction, per day and per month. The restrictions are configured independently based on the amounts that each trade handles.

Protection of card information.

All information transmitted from cards to Openpay is encrypted with SSL certificates and stored encrypted in our databases.


Certifications and compliance

PCI-DSS1 bank grade to take care of your transactions. We have compliance with the PCI-DSS level 1 standard (bank grade), which ensures the protection of the cardholder's data and / or confidential authentication data.

MX Internet Association, seal of trust of personal data and electronic commerce. The trusted seals of the Internet.Mx Association are granted to websites that belong to companies, organizations, institutions and people identified and committed with the generation of trusted online.